Mindblown: a blog about Internet security.

  • Here are some tips on how kids can stay safe on social media:

    Here are some additional tips that you can follow: By following these tips, you can help your kids stay safe on social media.

  • Uh Oh! Unwanted Activity on Your Personal Network? Here’s What to Do

    It‘s happened to the best of us. Including ME just last week! This was a card that I do not use on line. Some how my credit card got exposed and I am still investigating. But that is for another article. You‘re browsing the web, enjoying a movie, or working on a project when suddenly, things feel a little…off. Maybe your internet is sluggish, strange ads pop up, or you notice programs running that you didn‘t start. These are all signs that someone might be trying to access your network without permission. Don‘t Panic! While it can be scary, it‘s important to stay calm and take action. Here‘s a simple guide to help you deal with unwanted activity on your network: 1. Disconnect and Assess: Unplug from the internet: Disconnect your computer, router, and any other connected devices from the internet. This immediately stops any potential intrusion and buys you time to figure out what‘s going on. Scan for malware: Once disconnected, run a full scan with your antivirus software. If you don‘t have one, download a reputable free antivirus program from a trusted source like Microsoft or AVG. Check your devices: Look for any unusual activity, new programs, or suspicious files on your computer and other devices. 2. Investigate and Take Action: Identify the source: If your antivirus finds malware, follow its instructions to remove it. If you suspect a specific device is causing the issue, temporarily disconnect it from the network. Change your passwords: Immediately change the passwords for any accounts that you use on the affected device. Contact your internet service provider (ISP): Your ISP might be able to provide additional support or information about potential security breaches. Report the incident: If you suspect a serious security breach, consider reporting it to the authorities or to a dedicated security organization. 3. Prevent Future Intrusions: Use strong passwords: Create strong and unique passwords for all your online accounts, and consider using a password manager to help keep track of them. Keep your software updated: Make sure your operating system, antivirus software, and all other programs are up–to–date with the latest security patches. Be cautious online: Be wary of suspicious emails, links, and attachments, and avoid visiting untrusted websites. Use a VPN: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts your internet traffic, making it more difficult for hackers to intercept your data. Remember: It‘s better to be safe than sorry! By taking proactive measures and following these steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of unwanted activity on your network and protect your sensitive information.

  • It is very important you UPDATE all devices that use a Google browser.

    If you use Google on any of your devices, it is crucial to promptly update your browser. This update addresses a vulnerability to a zero-day hack, which some may refer to as a flaw, but I see as a lack of responsibility on Google’s part. Discovered by an anonymous researcher rather than Google itself, this…

  • Sophisticated Spear-Phishing Threats: A Guide for Enhanced Cybersecurity

    In the realm of cybersecurity, recent advisories from the U.S. government shed light on the escalating menace posed by North Korean hackers adept at employing sophisticated spear-phishing campaigns. This alert, jointly issued by the National Security Agency (NSA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Department of State, brings to the forefront the persistent…

  • Advice provided by the FBI for individuals who suspect they have been targeted by scams

    To begin, it’s essential to understand that identifying and apprehending scammers can be an arduous task, often requiring legal authorization such as a warrant or official investigation. Protected by privacy laws, the information pertinent to these investigations is inaccessible to individuals. Consequently, scammers often exploit this barrier by utilizing tools that circumvent such legal requirements.…

  • Deciphering Student Grant Offers: Opportunity or Obfuscation?

    This article is based on my real-life experiences with cautionary advice for one and all not just Seniors. For many students, the prospect of securing financial assistance through grants can be a beacon of hope amid the often daunting landscape of educational expenses. However, not all grant offers are created equal, and distinguishing between genuine…

  • Unveiling an Employment Scam: A Cautionary Tale and Ongoing Investigation

      Seeking employment post-graduation can be a daunting task, especially in today’s competitive job market. As a certified cybersecurity specialist and Digital Defense expert fresh out of college, I embarked on this journey with optimism, despite my advanced age of almost 75. However, the harsh reality of needing a job to sustain oneself quickly set…

  • Advanced Techniques for Mitigating Network Security Threats

    Advanced Techniques for Mitigating Network Security Threats Introduction: As the digital landscape evolves, so do the tactics employed by malicious actors seeking to compromise network security. In this technical article, we delve into the intricacies of common network security threats and provide advanced techniques for bolstering defenses and mitigating risks effectively. 1. Advanced Phishing Attacks:…

  • Beware Fake Video Conferencing Websites!

    Beware Fake Video Conferencing Websites! Fraudsters are creating fake websites that look like popular video conferencing platforms like Google Meet, Skype, and Zoom. These sites aim to trick you into downloading malware that can steal your personal information. Here’s how the scam works: The fake websites look almost identical to the real ones, often using…

  • Medicare Fraud Only you can stop it. Do this!

    Here are 3 tips to protect yourself from Medicare fraud and scams: If you get a call, text or email asking for your Medicare Number, don’t respond. Don’t give your Medicare card or Medicare Number to anyone except your doctor or people you know should have it. Check your Medicare Summary Notices (MSNs) or claims statements…

  • a troubling scam known as the Pig-Butchering Scam

    a troubling scam known as the Pig-Butchering Scam by Rick Reeves DFE CSS Cisco certified   Today, let’s delve into a troubling scam known as the Pig-Butchering Scam. Despite its whimsical name, this scam is no laughing matter. It preys on trust and can leave victims in financial turmoil. But fear not, because, with the…

  • Unveiling the Invisible Threat: Understanding DNS Spoofing and How to Defend Against It

    By: Rick Reeves CSS DFE Cisco Certified Introduction: In the digital age, where we rely heavily on the internet for communication, information, and entertainment, understanding cybersecurity threats like DNS spoofing is crucial for both seniors and professionals alike. DNS spoofing, also known as DNS cache poisoning, is a sophisticated attack that manipulates the Domain Name…

  • Beware: The Shocking Truth About Cheap Doorbell Cameras Revealed by Consumer Repor

    by: Rick Reeves CSS DFE As reported here at S4S, all devices connected that can connect to the outside world, have some sort of security risk attached to it. This is a deeper look into one of those types of devices. In the age of smart technology, doorbell cameras have become a popular choice for…

  • The dangers of Dark Social and how to protect yourself part two

    Navigating the Shadows: Understanding the Risks of Dark Social for Seniors As seniors increasingly engage with digital platforms, it’s crucial to recognize the potential dangers lurking within the realm of Dark Social. While Dark Social offers privacy and intimacy, it also presents unique risks that seniors must navigate to stay safe online. 1. Privacy Concerns:…

  • Unveiling the Mystery of Dark Social part one: what is Dark Social

      Unveiling the Mystery of Dark Social Did you know that a staggering 84% of social sharing occurs in the realm known as Dark Social? Despite its ominous name, Dark Social isn’t quite what it seems. With the advent of iOS 14, tracking user data has become increasingly challenging for marketers. As users become more…

  • Protecting against burglars who use Wi-Fi jammers

    Written by Rick Reeves DFE CSS CEO Protecting against burglars who use Wi-Fi jammers to disable home security systems requires a multi-faceted approach. Here are some effective strategies for users, including seniors, to enhance their home security: Hardwired Security Systems: Consider installing security systems that rely on hardwired connections instead of relying solely on Wi-Fi.…

  • Vehicle cybersecurity information: to help owners part 2

    by Rick Reeves DFE CSS CEO As an individual owner, there are several proactive steps you can take to enhance the security protection of your vehicle: Keep Software Updated: Regularly update the software and firmware of your vehicle, including infotainment systems and onboard computers. Manufacturers frequently release patches and updates to address security vulnerabilities. Enable…

  • Safeguarding Your Ride: Navigating Vehicle Cybersecurity for Seniors Part One

    Written by Rick Reeves DFE CSS CEO Safeguarding Your Ride: Navigating Vehicle Cybersecurity for Seniors In today’s digitally-driven world, the integration of advanced technologies in vehicles has revolutionized the driving experience. However, with these innovations come new cybersecurity challenges, particularly concerning the safety and security of connected and autonomous vehicles. At Security4Seniors, we understand the…

  • Guess what the #1 scam is?

      Every year, Security4Seniors receives reports from users about various scams they encounter, providing valuable insights into prevalent fraudulent activities. These reports are compiled into a comprehensive data book by the FTC, revealing trends and patterns that help us all identify and evade scams effectively. The latest Data Book for 2023 paints a concerning picture,…

  • Common sense information on creating passwords

    If you have never been instructed on how to create passwords, then let me be the first. Creating strong passwords is essential for protecting your online accounts from unauthorized access. Here are some tips on how to create strong passwords: Length Matters: Use long passwords. Aim for at least 12 characters, and consider using even…

  • Here are some practices to ensure a secure Wi-Fi connection:

    by Rick Reeves DFE CSS Cisco Certified A skill everyone should know how to do Securing your Wi-Fi network is crucial for protecting your personal and sensitive information from unauthorized access. Here are some practices to ensure a secure Wi-Fi connection: Change Default Router Credentials: Change the default username and password for your router. Default…

  • Weighing in on the App Explosion: Balancing Convenience with Privacy

    by Rick Reeves DFE CSS In our digital age, the surge in app requests has become a ubiquitous aspect of our online experience. While these applications promise convenience, it’s crucial to recognize the potential disadvantages and dangers associated with their usage. This article aims to shed light on the checks and balances of using apps,…

  • Navigating the Depths: The Puppy Scam’s Exploitation of P2P Apps like Zelle, Venmo, Paypal, and CashApp

      Michelle Cohen, M.D., a respected psychologist in Delray Beach, Florida, found herself entangled in a distressingly common crime – the puppy scam. It’s a cautionary tale that unraveled through the lens of convenience offered by peer-to-peer (P2P) payment apps, specifically Zelle. Seeking to add an Italian greyhound puppy to her life, Cohen discovered Amore…

  • Navigating the Risks of Children online an average of 4.8 Hours a day. part 1

        In today’s digital age, the revelation that children spend an average of 4.8 hours a day online is not just a statistic; it’s a cause for concern. As we explore this unsettling reality, particularly for the guardians in our adult community, the spotlight is on the unknowns — who are our children talking…

  • What to do if your Android Boxes has a DDOS attack

    In a concerning development within the realm of cybersecurity, researchers have brought to light a disconcerting trend – the emergence of a widespread DDoS botnet infiltrating Android TV boxes and set-top boxes. Operating under the moniker Bigpanzi, this cybercrime syndicate has been operational since 2015, presenting a substantial menace to the security of these devices.…

  • Beware of Money Transfer Scams: Protecting Seniors from Impersonation Schemes

    Similar warning also comes from the FTC. Did someone urge you to move or transfer your money? Be cautious, as it could be a scam. By Alvaro Puig Consumer Education Specialist January 19, 2024 Impersonators often kick off their schemes with a seemingly routine call, perhaps about suspicious activity in your Amazon account. However, these…

  • Navigating the Sensitive Terrain: Protecting Seniors from Scams in Funeral Services and Body Donation

    I most recently lost my younger brother. I encountered so many skeptical business practices and some scams that I needed to do something and prepare others and their families with some information to protect them. I am skilled at finding information and I want to share those with you and what you should look for.…

  • Configuring App and Firewall Settings for a Secure Windows Experience for Seniors Part 2

      Ensuring a secure and user-friendly computing experience for seniors on Windows 10 and 11 involves not only using the right applications but also configuring the system settings and firewall to enhance overall security. Here’s a guide on recommended app and firewall settings: App Settings: Windows Update: Settings: Navigate to “Settings” > “Update & Security”…

  • Navigating Remote Use on Windows 10 and 11: A Guide for Seniors Part 1

    If you ever get a phone call from someone who says they are from Windows Security or some other operating system or App like AVG or Avast etc. call goes like this “Good Day sir. I am Jamire and I am calling from the Windows security office. We have detected a security problem on your…

  • Unveiling the Dark Side: Social Media Marketplace Scams Exposed Part 1

      In the digital age, social media platforms have become not only a space for connecting with friends and family but also a thriving marketplace. Unfortunately, this convenience has given rise to a new breed of cybercriminals who specialize in scamming unsuspecting users. In this article, we’ll delve into the tricks of the trade employed…

  • Safeguarding Against Delivery-Related Smishing: Tips and Reporting

    Safeguarding Against Delivery-Related Smishing: Tips and Reporting Introduction: Our digital age brings not only the convenience of online shopping but also the challenge of staying vigilant against scams. Smishing, or phishing attempts via text messages, is on the rise, particularly those pretending to be from trusted delivery services like USPS, UPS, or FedEx. Here are…

  • Navigating the Parcel Predicament: Staying Wise to Deceptive Delivery Texts

    Navigating the Parcel Predicament: Staying Wise to Deceptive Delivery Texts Introduction: Hey there, savvy seniors! In this age of technological marvels, it’s crucial to be one step ahead of those crafty scammers trying to pull the wool over our eyes. One scam that’s been making the rounds, especially targeting us seniors, involves sneaky text messages…

  • Unraveling Package Delivery Scams: Protecting Yourself from Deceptive Texts

    Unraveling Package Delivery Scams: Protecting Seniors from Deceptive Texts Introduction: In the digital age, scammers are finding new and sophisticated ways to exploit unsuspecting individuals. One prevalent scam that has targeted many, especially seniors, involves deceptive text messages claiming issues with package deliveries from well-known carriers such as the U.S. Postal Service, UPS, or FedEx.…

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