a troubling scam known as the Pig-Butchering Scam

a troubling scam known as the Pig-Butchering Scam

by Rick Reeves DFE CSS Cisco certified


Today, let’s delve into a troubling scam known as the Pig-Butchering Scam. Despite its whimsical name, this scam is no laughing matter. It preys on trust and can leave victims in financial turmoil. But fear not, because, with the right knowledge, you can protect yourself from falling victim to this deceitful scheme.

First off, I want to thank Leo A. Notenboom from askleo.com. He wrote an article as well and I asked him if he didn’t mind me expanding on it. He, of course, said YES! You can find the article here:




This piqued my interest because I worked while trying to go to college at a slaughterhouse and meat packing facility. I am now a semi-vegetarian so no pork was eaten, just information. I also know personally, people who were victims of this scam and lost 40 bit coins. Red flag right there! Bitcoins?

Picture this: you’re like a sturdy piggy bank, safeguarding your hard-earned savings. Yet, lurking in the shadows is a cunning scammer armed with digital tools, ready to chip away at your financial security. This scam unfolds gradually, akin to a long-con, where scammers invest time in building trust before swooping in for the financial kill.

But where does the trap lie? It often begins innocently enough – a friendly message from someone online piquing your interest. They may suggest moving your conversation to a more private platform, away from prying eyes. As conversations deepen, so does the emotional connection. It’s easy to get swept up in the allure of companionship.

Here’s where vigilance is key. Protecting yourself starts with cautiousness around money. Be wary of requests for financial assistance from individuals you’ve only met online, especially if their stories seem too good to be true or evoke strong emotions. Remember, scammers often prey on empathy and goodwill.

But how can you verify if you’re talking to a real person and not a con artist? Pay attention to the details. When communicating through phone calls or messaging apps, listen for inconsistencies in voice tone or grammar. Scammers may struggle to maintain a coherent narrative or provide consistent details about their identity.

Moreover, utilize secure communication channels whenever possible. Platforms offering end-to-end encryption ensure your conversations remain private, shielding you from prying eyes and potential interception by third parties. By prioritizing security in your interactions, you reduce the risk of falling victim to scams.

The Pig-Butchering Scam may lurk in the digital shadows, you hold the power to thwart its advances. Stay vigilant, trust your instincts, and prioritize security in all your interactions. With the right precautions, you can navigate the online world safely and confidently.

If none of this makes sense and you have someone you can turn to for advice. Do that. Get another person’s take on the situation. If you are alone, you are not now. You have me and my email: ricksasenior2@security4seniors.com. Think of me as your older brother protecting his little sis.

Expanded thoughts:

Where do you get caught in these traps? Well, it often starts innocently enough – perhaps with a friendly message from someone online who seems genuinely interested in getting to know you better. They might suggest moving your conversation to a more private platform, away from prying eyes. And before you know it, you’re deep in conversation, sharing personal details and building what seems like a genuine connection. If some of this sounds a bit repetitive, it is for a reason. This info bears repeating.

But here’s where things take a sinister turn: as the relationship progresses, so do the scammer’s tactics. They might start weaving tales of hardship or unexpected expenses, tugging at your heartstrings and asking for financial assistance. And because you’ve already invested time and emotion into the relationship, it’s easy to fall into their trap.

So, how can you protect yourself from falling victim to a Pig-Butchering Scam? Here are a few more key tips to keep in mind:

Stay cautious with money: Be wary of anyone you’ve only met online asking for financial assistance, especially if they start making elaborate excuses or playing on your emotions.

Verify identities: If someone refuses to meet in person or provides vague or inconsistent information about themselves, it’s a major red flag. Trust your instincts and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Keep conversations public: While it’s natural to want privacy, moving conversations to private channels too quickly could be a sign that something isn’t right. Stick to public platforms until you’re absolutely sure you can trust the other person.

Verify communication: When communicating through phone calls or messaging apps, pay attention to details like voice tone, grammar consistency, and use of personal information. Scammers often use generic scripts and may struggle to provide consistent details about their identity.

  1. Use secure communication channels: Whenever possible, use secure messaging apps or platforms that offer end-to-end encryption. This ensures that your conversations remain private and reduces the risk of interception by third parties. Signal: Signal is known for its strong focus on privacy and security. It offers end-to-end encryption for text messages, voice calls, and video calls.
  2. WhatsApp: WhatsApp, owned by Facebook, also provides end-to-end encryption for text messages, voice calls, and video calls. It’s widely used globally for its ease of use and security features.
  3. Telegram: While Telegram offers optional end-to-end encryption for its “Secret Chats,” regular chats are not encrypted by default. However, it still provides a high level of security for communication.
  4. Wickr Me: Wickr Me is a secure messaging app that offers end-to-end encryption for text messages, voice messages, files, and more. It’s designed with privacy and security in mind.
  5. Threema: Threema is a messaging app that focuses on privacy and security. It offers end-to-end encryption for text messages, voice calls, group chats, and even status updates.

These apps prioritize user privacy and security, making them great choices for ensuring your conversations remain private. Always remember to use strong, unique passwords and enable additional security features like two-factor authentication when available.



Remember, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Don’t let the promise of companionship blind you to the dangers lurking online. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and most importantly, stay safe!






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