Mindblown: a blog about Internet security.

  • Account Takeover Methods.

    CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD OR SUFFER! All your passwords need to be changed every 6 months or delete your accounts if you do not use them any more. Linking accounts is a easy way for hackers to enter you vital points of access. In many cases people use the same password for everything so you made…

  • One reason out of a thousand why Facebook is a place for hackers

    Here is and example: Do not click on this link is you see it because it is a browser reader. This very fast search with easy to use tools found this I found this using my right click skills. This is just one prime example why using Facebook for anything else other can communicating with…

  • How can you be sure that a virus has been removed from your computer?

    There is no way to be 100% sure that a virus has been removed from a computer, but there are a few things you can do to increase the likelihood: Even if you follow all of these steps, there is still a small chance that the virus may not have been completely removed. However, by…

  • How do you protect yourself from Hackers?

    1 There are a number of things you can do to protect yourself from hackers: Here are some additional tips to protect yourself from hackers: By following these tips, you can help to protect yourself from hackers and keep your devices and accounts safe. If you think that you may have been the victim of…

  • Criminals are using AI to make phishing easier

    Criminals are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) to make phishing easier for themselves. AI can be used to create more sophisticated and personalized phishing emails, as well as to generate fake websites and social media profiles that are more difficult to distinguish from the real thing. One way that criminals are using AI to make…

  • You do not need to spend money for good Antivirus Software.

    However, it does not hurt. Especially if you use your devices for more than just social media. This list is not in preferential order. They are listed by my notes. Please understand that these companies still have to make their money. Some of them do this by only giving a 30 day trial, by sending…

  • Yes, a wireless keyboard can be hacked. There are a few different ways that this can happen:

    The consequences of a hacked wireless keyboard can be severe. Attackers could use the keyboard to steal sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. They could also use the keyboard to control the computer, which could allow them to install malware or steal data. Here are some other ways thieves can get you…

  • Remember the days when Mac’s were considered safe to use? Now comes the MacAttack.

    Back in the day when apple bragged that their system was the most secure. They were almost right. Then came adware. The Adware would probe for weaknesses and then exploit them. Apple could still brag that they were secure because it was you that added the adware, not them. Threat actors were using some creative…

  • There are a few things you should never do when using public Wi-Fi:

    If you must use public Wi-Fi, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself: By following these tips, you can help to protect yourself from the risks of using public Wi-Fi.

  • How to avoid Medicare Open Enrollment scams

    By Bridget Small Consumer Education Specialist October 13, 2023 October is time for cooler days, warmer drinks, and the start of Medicare Open Enrollment Period. If you have Medicare, October 15 – December 7 is when you can make changes to your Medicare health and Part D prescription drug plans. About now, you’ll probably be seeing…

  • Here’s the skinny on “free trials” for skin creams

    By Gema de las Heras Consumer Education Specialist, FTC October 11, 2023 Image You’re online and see a chance to try a new skin cream for free. You might think: why not? Well, for starters, that free trial might not be free at all. That’s what happened with a Puerto Rico-based marketer that advertised “free”…

  • are QR codes safe to scan and what do I do if I scanned a fake one

    QR codes are generally safe to scan, but there are some risks involved. If you scan a QR code that takes you to a malicious website, your device could be infected with malware or your personal information could be stolen. Here are some tips for scanning QR codes safely: If you think you may have…

  • How are cybercriminals using AI tools to make phishing easier to rip you off?

    Cybercriminals are using AI tools to make phishing easier in a number of ways. Here are a few examples: AI tools make it easier for cybercriminals to launch phishing attacks on a large scale and to personalize their attacks to make them more effective. This is why it is important to be aware of the…

  • There are a few things you can do to tell if a friend request on Facebook is really your friend:

    If you have any doubts about a friend request, it’s best to err on the side of caution and ignore it. You can always report the request to Facebook if you think it’s fake. Here are some additional tips for avoiding fake friend requests on Facebook: By following these tips, you can help to protect…

  • Why you shred all your documents including bills

    You need to shred your documents and old bills to protect yourself from identity theft. Identity theft is a crime in which someone steals your personal information, such as your name, Social Security number, or credit card number, and uses it without your permission. Identity thieves can use this information to open new accounts in…

  • Why did my cell phone go off with a real loud alert?

    There are a few possible reasons why an alert went off on your cell phone the other morning. Our alert was to test the emergency response system. We also had a Local test to test the local systems; Nothing TO WORRY ABOUT If you received an emergency alert on your cell phone the other morning,…

  • Retirement planning email scam alert

    Posted on October 5, 2023 DRS has learned about an email scam currently targeting teachers and school employees. However, everyone should be aware that the scam can target anyone. The scamThose who have been affected report that a scammer presents themselves through email as a retirement planning professional who offers to set up an appointment…

  • What is The Elon Musk Freedom Giveaway crypto scam?

    This scam is a type of social engineering scam that uses the name and likeness of Elon Musk to promote fake cryptocurrency giveaways. These scams are often promoted on social media, such as Twitter and TikTok, through fake accounts that impersonate Musk. The scammers typically promise to give away large amounts of cryptocurrency, such as…

  • stop using SMS:

    There are many more secure and reliable messaging alternatives available, such as WhatsApp, Signal, and Telegram. These apps offer end-to-end encryption, a variety of features, and are more reliable than SMS. If you are still using SMS, it is highly recommended that you switch to a more secure and reliable messaging alternative.

  • Is it possible to secure your internet connection with encryption?

    Yes, it is possible to secure your internet connection with encryption. Here are a few approaches you could take: By following these tips, you can make your internet connection more secure and protect your privacy online. Here are some additional tips for securing your internet connection: By following these tips, you can help to keep…

  • Did you Get billed for a Covid or Emergency relief loan?

    Did you get a bill for a Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan or COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) you never applied for? If the answer is yes, an identity thief probably used your personal information to get the loan. Here’s how to report this problem and start the SBA review process to help you clear up any credit problems the identity…

  • New breaches that might effect you

    Here are some of the new data breaches that have been reported in the past week: These are just a few of the data breaches that have been reported in the past week. It is important to note that new data breaches are being reported all the time, so it is important to be vigilant…

  • Do not be afraid to ask.

    If there is something odd going on with your computer? Do you think you have a problem with a piece of your hardware, or you want to know about a program on your computer, i am accepting requests. you can ask your questions here in the comments or you can email me here: rickssafetyzone420@gmail.com. Please…

  • Temu.com app is not good but their online shopping is fine. Just don’t use the app.

    There have been some security concerns with the Temu app. In April 2023, the U.S.-China Economic Security Review Commission (USCC) opened an investigation into Temu’s potential data risks, sourcing violations, and trade loopholes. The USCC’s investigation was prompted by concerns that Temu is collecting and storing excessive amounts of user data, including personal information such…

  • Is Autofill secure?

    Autofill is a feature that can automatically fill in your credit card information on websites and apps. This can be convenient, but it also raises some security concerns. Is autofill secure? Autofill is generally secure if used properly. Most web browsers and devices encrypt your credit card information when it is stored in autofill. This…

  • How to tell if an EBAY seller is legitimate

    There are a few things you can do to tell if an eBay seller is legitimate: Here are some additional tips for staying safe on eBay: If you think you have been scammed by an eBay seller, you can report the incident to eBay support. eBay will investigate the matter and may take action against…

  • Why you should not use the same Password for everything

    You should not use the same password for multiple accounts because it puts you at risk of credential stuffing attacks. Credential stuffing attacks are when attackers use stolen usernames and passwords from one website or service to try to log in to other websites and services. If you use the same password for multiple accounts,…

  • How to Privately Browse the Internet.

    1 There are a few ways to browse the internet privately without using incognito mode. I use Tor Browser as well as a VPN. It is a secure browser and one that any good hacker uses as well to hide their private info. Below I added a couple of other browsers as well. Here are…

  • Web Browsing in Incognito Mode is not all that Private

    When you browse the internet in incognito mode, the browser doesn’t save your web queries and the websites you visit. Your browsing history, cookies, or other site data are not saved during private browsing. However, just using the incognito mode doesn’t guarantee private browsing. Your browser is not the only place where your data is stored.…

  • Medicare Fraud running wild.

    Medicare Fraud: Shut It Down The best way to stop Medicare fraud? Help prevent it in the first place. Follow these 3 tips to protect yourself from scammers: If you get a call, text or email asking for your Medicare Number, don’t respond. Don’t give your Medicare card or Medicare Number to anyone except your doctor or…

  • Be careful and be aware when opening attachments in Facebooks Messenger.

    In a recent blog post, cybersecurity tool company Guardio warned virtual storefronts about seemingly innocuous Facebook messages that include malware capable of hijacking the recipient’s account. The Vietnam-based operation—seemingly perpetrated by a group of Telegram bots linked to an administrator called MrTonyName—has clocked a “staggering” success rate by blasting out messages that ask businesses to open…

  • What is a BlueSmack attack?

    A bluesmack attack is also known as a denial-of-service (DoS) attack that targets Bluetooth devices. It works by flooding the device with a large number of Bluetooth connection requests, which can cause the device to crash or become unresponsive. Bluesmack attacks can be used to target a variety of Bluetooth devices, including smartphones, laptops, and…

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